We work to nuture the aspiration for change and give the general public as well as the scientific community and NAMs stakeholders a wider and deeper understanding of what exists today – what tomorrow could be – and how to get there.

The Game

TATAbox is an edutainment game designed to open conversation about New Approaches Methodologies (NAMs) known as non-animal models, in a fun and informal setup. In universities, for a workshop or during a training, TATAbox gathers players around a common goal: inspire innovation & encourage collaboration to make NAMs the new normal.
2 to 4 players – 30min per game

You are a scientist who dreams of developing and validating a new research method without using laboratory animals. What a good idea! ALTERTOX team is here to help you understand the specific steps allowing you to do and validate your research in the most rigorous way!
With in silico or in vitro methods, create the most suitable path to validation. In TaTaBox, all players build the deck, each game is different.
Using your sector power strategically and skillfully collaborating with other scientists will be essential to succeed and save as many animals as possible!
Will you be able to validate your method and thus participate in the shift of science towards alternatives to animal experimentation?
TATABOX tiles are not meant to be exhaustive in terms of content as well as persona but rather a starting point for discussion with concrete items within a team on the process towards alternatives to animal testing. Moreover, through brainstorming the participants can create synergy and common goals on a personalized validation path based on the institution technology/models to illustrate their work as well as better understanding of the critical steps necessary for regulatory acceptance.


FC3R Facilitation Training

CCAAM Canada

Utrecht Hogeschool

ECVAM 2023

Little Genius is a quiz game to play with friends
and/or family from 8 to 99 years old!
Expand your knowledge on biology,
NAMs, EU law – and test your friends!
Little Genius is an ideal education material to be played in a classroom and introduce numerous scientific themes with a game.
Create your own! Little Genius can be customed to your themes and colors.
What is a vertebrate?
And who was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize?
Do you know who discovered DNA? And what is DNA anyway?
Questions galore with all the answers and information to become a real little science genius and discover research methods without animals!
Altertox invites you to the land of the NAM!
Trick your friends and your parents
and learn while having fun!