We are delighted to announce the participation of Dr. Sc and Associate Professor Josué Sznitman as a Keynote Speaker for the second edition of the Lung In Vitro event next July!
Dr.Sc – Associate Professor Josue Sznitman
Josué Sznitman is a French, Israeli and Swiss national with degrees from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (BSc) and the ETH Zurich (Dipl.-Ing. and Dr. Sc.). He has established himself as a leading figure in respiratory transport phenomena and pulmonary physiology, with a focus on drug delivery to the lungs including inhalation therapy. He is currently the Director of the interdisciplinary graduate program of the Russel Berrie Nanotechnology Institute (RBNI, Technion) and serves as Associate Chair for Undergraduate Studies in the Department. of Biomedical Engineering. Sznitman was awarded the 2015 Young Investigator Award by the International Society of Aerosols in Medicine (ISAM) for a researcher under the age of 40 and the 2018 Emerging Scientist Award in Drug Delivery to the Lungs (The Aerosol Society, UK). He serves as Associate Editor of Clinical Biomechanics, is a member of the Editorial Board of Biomicrofluidics and Journal of Biomechanics, and serves as Academic Editor of PLoS One. Between 2015 and 2019, he served as Committee Member and Coordinator of Short Term Scientific Missions (STSM) in the COST Action MP 1404 (SimInhale). Positioned at the interface between engineering and biology, his research integrates advanced in vitro and in silico methodologies to devise bioengineered lung models, having positioned his group as a leader in bioengineered in vitro lung barrier models (e.g. microfluidic lung-on-chips), with an outlook on personalized medicine applications.
Check out his TEDx Talk (2019) titled “From race cars to the lungs”
Program soon available, stay tuned!
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